Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Pastor Walter P. Schroeder

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Pastor Walter P. Schroeder studied at Concordia College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and received theological training at Concordia Seminary at St. Louis, Missouri.
As a student he did supply work at Sidney and Potter, Nebraska, Davenport, Iowa and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He served congregations at Ogema, Saskatchewan, Canada, and DeWitt, Iowa.
He served St. John from 1934 until his death in 1957.


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If you enjoy reading about our history, there's still time to order a book. The 100 page history of St. John's are still on sale. Just call or email the church office and reserve yours today.

Hurry, there will only be a limited number of copies ordered.

Our 125th anniversary celebration will be June 25, 2006
Rev. Doug Schroeder (the son of Pastor Walter P. Schroeder) will be preaching at 10 am worship with music led by "the Kuhlman Sisters." There will be a BBQ pork sandwich lunch at 11:30 with games and a bounce house for kids. Rev. Paul Schroeder (the son of Doug Schroeder) will preach at a second service at 2 pm

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