MON-SAT DEC 16-21 6:25AM Pastor Merrill hosts 'Thy Strong Word' on KDSN 107.1FM/1530AM, FYI-We need funding to help pay KDSN for this program. If you would like to make a donation toward 'Thy Strong Word,' please let either the office or KDSN know. Thank You. Start your day off with this devotion on God's Word.
- WED 12/18 - 3:30pm Confirmation
- 6:455pm Carol Sing
- 7:00pm Midweek Advent Worship
- 8:00pm Elders' Meeting
- THRS 12/19- 9:30am Ricketts Community Bible Study
- SAT 12/21- 5:00pm Sunday School at Immanuel, Soldier TWP
- 6:00pm Worship with Communion at Immanuel
- SUN 12/22- 8:45pm Bible Class & Sunday School
- 10:00am Worship
- TUES 12/24- 5:00pm St.Paul & Immanuel's Children's Service, at Immanuel
- 6:30pm Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols, at St. John
- 9:30pm Christmas Eve Candlelght Service, at St. Paul, Hanover TWP
- WED 12/25- 9:00am Christmas Day Worship with Communion, at St. John
If you are inn need of a ride to church on one of these winter Sunday mornings, please call the church office at 678-3312 & we'll send someone over. if you know someone who could use this service, please give their name to the church office. Thank you.