- MON 12/26- Office Closed
- MON 12/26-THR 12/29- Pastor on vacation, returns Friday
- SAT 12/31- 6:00pm Worship with Communion at St.Paul
- SUN 1/1- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
- 10:00am Worship with Communion
- INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS- Sunday, January 8, all newly elected church officers for 2017 will be installed during worship, please plan to attend.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
This Week @ St.John
Saturday, December 17, 2016
This Week @ St.John
- WED DEC 21- 3:30pm Confirmation
- 7:00pm Elders' Mtg.
- THURS DEC 22- Office closes at Noon
- SAT DEC 24- 5:00pm Children's Service at St. Paul's, Triple Parish
- 6:30pm Christmas Eve Worship at St.John
- 10:00pm Christmas Eve Candlight Worship at St.Luke's, Ricketts
- SUN DEC 25- BLESSED CHRISTMAS- Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given!
- No Sunday School or Bible Class
- 9:00am Worship with Communion
- 10:30am Worship with Communion at Immanuel, Triple Parish
- 1:00pm Pastor preaching at Denison Care Center
- 2:00pm at Eventide
- 2:45pm at Silveridge
- MON DEC 26- Office closed
- Newly Elected 2017 Church Officers will be installed during Worship on January 1st.
- Make a New Year's Resolution to spend time in God's Word. St.John's is offering reading plans for reading through the Bible in a year on the counter in the front office. Scroll down for a Synodical resolution and other resources to encourage you on this journey.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Looking for a New-Years' Resolution?
Here's one passed by our Synod in convention this Summer-
"WHEREAS, In the 50th Anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 we are celebrating the triumph of the Gospel, not of Martin Luther or any other individual or church body, and that the Lutheran Reformation is"still all about Jesus"; and
WHEREAS, The source of renewal and reformation is always the Word, as the Lord Jesus says, "If you abide in My Word... you will know the truth and the truth will set you free" (John 8:31-31);... therefore be it Resolved, That the members of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod commit to growing in faith themselves, personally and corporately, by reading through the entire Scriptures in 2017..."
I encourage every member of St.John to commit themselves to reading through the Scriptures next year, the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Copies of a daily Bible reading guide will be made available for those who would like a schedule. Our heritage is in God's Word- make the Word central as you celebrate our heritage in 2017. ~Pastor Merrill
Charts for reading through the Bible in one year are on the counter in the front hallway.
- Bibles at Concordia Publishing House (CPH)
- 'The One Year Bible' from ChristianBook.com
- BibleGateway.com Reading Plans
- The Bible App
This Week @ St.John
- TUES DEC.13- 8:45AM Circuit Pastors' Conference, Zion Denison
- WED DEC.14- 3:30PM Confirmation
- 5:00PM Sunday School Christmas Program Practice; Grades 3-8
- 6:45PM Carol Sing
- 7:00PM Midweek Advent Worship THEME- "It's About Time."
- DEC 14- "Something is about to happen" Mark 13:33-37
- DEC 24- 6:30PM Christmas Eve Worship
- DEC 25- Sunday, Christmas Day Worship, 9:00AM
- "It's About Time," Galatians 4:4
- SAT DEC.17- 9-11:00AM Practice for Sunday School Christmas Program
- 6:00PM Worship at St. Paul
- 7:00PM LYF Christmas Party at the Beecks'
- SUN. DEC 18- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class
- 10:00AM Worship
- 6:30PM Sunday School Christmas Progra
HELP WANTED- To scoop sidewalks, snow removal from in front of the church this Winter. Please contact a trustee or the office if you're willing & able.
- WED DEC. 14- 5:00PM, Grades 3-8
- SAT DEC. 17- 9:00AM, All Grades
- SUN DEC. 18- 8:45AM Final rehearsal during Sunday School
- Dec.17- 6:00PM St.Paul
- Dec.24- 5:00PM Children's Christmas Program, St.Paul
- Dec.25- 10:30AM Christmas Day with Communion, Immanuel
Sunday, December 04, 2016
This Week @ St.John
- TUES DEC.6- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
- WED DEC.7- 3:30PM Confirmation
- 5:00PM Sunday School Christmas Program Practice; Grades 3-8
- 6:45PM Carol Sing
- 7:00PM Midweek Advent Worship THEME- "It's About Time."
- DEC 7- "It's Time to Wake Up." Romans 13:11-14
- DEC 14- "Something is about to happen" Mark 13:33-37
- DEC 24- 6:30PM Christmas Eve Worship
- DEC 25- Sunday, Christmas Day Worship, 9:00AM
"It's About Time," Galatians 4:4 - SAT DEC.10- 6:00PM Worship with Communion at Immanuel
- 2:30PM Meet at St.John or St.Luke to start
- 3:00PM Carol at Denison Care Center
- 3:30PM at Reed House
- 4:00PM at Eventide
- 4:30PM at Silveridge
- 5:00PM Caroling to individual homes
- 5:30PM Supper together at Pizza Ranch
- SUN. DEC 11- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class
- 10:00AM Worship
- 11:00AM Finance Board Meeting
- 3:00PM Christmas Caroling with Triple Parish
- 7:00PM Adult Instruction Class
- POINSETTIAS- Sign up for a poinsettia in the walkway. Please put your name, the names of the person(s) you want your poinsettia in name of. Mark if you want to keep your poinsettia after Christmas or not, and please include your $12 in the envelope.
- HELP WANTED- To scoop sidewalks, snow removal from in front of the church this Winter. Please contact a trustee or the office if you're willing & able.
- WED DEC. 7 & 14- 5:00PM, Grades 3-8
- SAT DEC. 17- 9:00AM, All Grades
- SUN DEC. 18- 8:45AM Final rehearsal during Sunday School
- LYF CHRISTMAS PARTY- Saturday, December 17 at 7:00PM at the home of Steve & Karleen Beeck. Plan to join us for food and fun! More information to come.
- PRAYER CHAIN- If you would like to be on the phone or email prayer chain, please let the office know. You will receive the name of the person requesting prayers, then all we ask is that you pray for them.

- VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED- To deliver meals to homes of senior citizens living within the city limits of Charter Oak Monday through Friday (no holidays or weekends). Can be done by the week or by the month. Please contact Nancy Rossburg (712) 678- 3831 or 3453 for more information. Diners 60+ of age are always welcome to dine-in with us at the Senior Center located at 38 Main Street in Charter Oak.
- ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN- The Iowa branch of the OGT has been blessed with a $5,000 matching gift challenge. Gifts given before December 15 will be matched up to a maximum of $5K. This will enable our branch to do more than we ordinarily could. Please contact Sharon Ann Irwin, Iowa West Branch Manager, OGT, PO Box 152, Early, IA 50535-0152
This is a common question for Operation Barnabas. We have the perfect opportunity for YOU to help 4 very worthy disabled Veterans this Christmas season! Operation Barnabas of Des Moines is again joining with Freedom Alliance for our Annual Presents for Patriots program, adopting wounded soldiers and their families for Christmas. We are excited to announce that we are adopting the families of Army Staff Sergeant Juan, Sergeant First Class Heath, Sergeant Demetrius and Staff Sergeant Michael this year. Given the number of children involved, Operation Barnabas is collecting Target and Walmart gift cards and monetary donations so that our adopted Veterans can experience the joy in purchasing Christmas gifts for their families. Please consider making a gift card or cash donation to these deserving families. TO MAKE A DONATION: • Attend our next meeting on Thursday, Dec. 8th at 7 PM at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Urbandale, OR • Contact Operation Barnabas through www.IowaMilitarySupport.org or by phone at (515) 664-7359 or (515) 419-1588 to make donation arrangements. ***Thank you for your support in sharing Christmas cheer with these wounded heroes and their families!*** Once all donations are gathered – Goal Date of Saturday, Dec. 10 – they will be delivered to these families.

Thursday, December 01, 2016
Annual LWML Christmas Cookie & Candy Bazaar
Sunday, December 4
Come fill your box with lots of goodies!
Just $6 per pound.
Cookie & Candy Donations Welcomed
Please bring your treats you're contributing to church by Noon On Saturday, Dec. 3
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