Part 6~ the 1960's
• January 1960, a scholarship fund was created by the congregation to assist young men and women of the congregation to prepare themselves for work in His Kingdom. Charity Sunday was instituted and a portion of the receipts was assigned to the scholarship fund. (On the 3rd Sunday of each month, the offering not included in envelopes, is used for benevolent purposes).
• October 1960, a motion passed that any voter 70 years and over was to become an honorary voting member and his absence was not counted toward quorum.
• In 1962, a portion of adjoining land was purchased from Louis Schultz and added to the cemetery
• July 1967, Pastor O.R. Schlegelmilch accepted a call to Peace Lutheran Church, Columbus, Nebraska. Pastor E.T. Lange, St. Paul, Ute served as vacancy pastor.
• December 15, 1968, Pastor A.I. Prouty of Detroit, Michigan, accepted a call from St. John and was installed.

• In 1969, Carillon bells were installed as a memorial.
• In 1970, Paul Clausen designed and built the communion rail as a memorial. About this same time, a set of communion ware with individual cups was received as a memorial. The set consisted of a stack of wooden trays to hold the individual glass cups, a matching wafer tray and both have matching covers. For some time communion was offered from either the common cup or individual cups – personal choice.
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