Sunday, August 28, 2011

This week at St. John

  • WED. Aug.31- Confirmation 1:30pm
  • THURS Sept.1- LWML Meeting 1:30pm
  • SAT 9/3-District LWML Retreat 9:00am at Mission Central, Mapleton
  • SUN 9/4- 8:45am Adult Bible Class
      • 10:00am Worship with Communion, Mite Box Sunday

  • Notice that Service times will be changing for the Fall on Sunday Sept. 4. 
    Sunday School and High School Bible Classes will resume September 11. 
  • RALLY SUNDAY- Sept. 11 will be "Rally" Sunday, Bibles will be presented to First graders and Luther's Small Catechisms will be presented to Fifth graders. Sunday School teachers, helpers, Confirmation teachers and Board of Education members will be installed for the new school year.
  • ADULT INSTRUCTION CLASS- If you are interested in learning more about the Lutheran Church~Missouri Synod or would like to become a member of St. John, please contact Pastor Merrill. He will begin Adult Instruction Classes September 11, at 7:00pm
  • MEN'S MINISTRY EVENT- "Riding the Storm Out," Sept. 17 at St. Matthew Lutheran, Mapleton. Registration & breakfast 8:00-8:45am. The event will include Bible study, a variety of service projects, tours of Mission Central and lunch. Cost $10, please call Jim Davis at (515)576-7666
  • JUNIOR HIGH DISTRICT GATHERING Oct. 29-30- "Sacred:Protected by God" at the West Des Moines Sheraton. Rev. Luke Timm speaker, music by Swen & Dean. Registration is due September 23. Please let Pastor Merrill know if you can serve as a parent/counselor.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Help Spread God's Word with Children in India

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? "
~Romans 10:14

India is the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most largest democracy in the world. India has the largest concentration of people living in poverty (according to the World bank).
80.5% of the population of India are Hindu, 13.4% are Muslim, and only officially 2.3% call themselves Christian. Because there has been so much mission work, there may be unofficially  7 or 8 % Christians.

Even though William Carey (1761 –1834) a Baptist missionary from England translated the Bible into Bengali, Sanskrit and other Indian languages over a hundred years ago, Life to the World Ministries President, John Thomas believes that of the 95% of non-Christians in India.

"50 percent of the population have not heard the gospel yet. and another 40 percent needs to hear the gospel one more time," said Thomas. Thomas is committed to the goal of bringing the good news of Jesus to all Indians within a generation (30yrs.).

Thomas was a high school teacher but he believes that God called him to reach India's poor children with the Gospel. Based in Calcutta, the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal, Life to the World Ministries holds Gospel meetings, presents screenings of the Jesus Film, and helps plant churches in the poor villages surrounding Calcutta.

St. John member, Cyndi Ulrich met John when she visited India on a mission trip. Eventually they fell in love and were married.  For the last two years, John has spent much of the out-of-school season in Charter Oak, Iowa with Cyndi and her family.

Life to the World also operates a school for  poor and needy children who would otherwise not be able to afford to attend school. According to Thomas, two of the most important things they do are to teach English and study the Bible. Unfortunately, the landlord has not renewed the school's lease, so that when their next school year end in March 2012, the school may cease to exist if they are unable to find a new building.

Life to the World is hoping to raise $40,000 between now and March 2012. Recently, St. John's Vacation Bible School collected $300 in offerings to support Life to the World's school in India. 

John Thomas sent a letter out asking for pledges of support for the school, any gift, from $1 to $2,000 would be welcome. Anyone wishing to contribute to John and his wife Cyndi's missionary work in India, especially helping purchase new property for the school can contact John, Pastor Merrill, or Bill Magill.

Please pray about if and how much you would be able to help. Even if you are unable to give anything at this time, please commit to praying for the school and Life to the World Ministries, and keep John and Cyndi in your prayers as well. Thank You.

Life to the World Ministy; John Thomas
17 Oak Ave.
Charter Oak, IA 51439
(712) 267-4430

76/1 M.G. Road, PO Haridevpur, Calcutta-700082, India.

 John Thomas (at right) with another staff member at the Life to the World Ministry's Christian school in Calcutta.
Cyndi (Ulrich) Thomas shares Jesus wrist bands given by St. John, Lutheran, Charter Oak,  with students in India.

Life to the World Ministry's
Vision Statement:
1.To preach Gospel among the unreached cities and villages and plant churches. Our Goal is to preach the Gospel to 1000 unreached villages and plant churches and schools for poor and needy. 70 percent of Indian population live in villages. Not many go there to preach gospel but only go into the cities.We have vision for both cities and for villages.

2.To reach out to the poor children in 100 slums and give them education and food at least one meal.

3. To train 50 Christian workers every year for the Masters use in His vineyard. The Field is ripe but laborers are few.

This Week at St. John

  • Mon Aug 8- Sat Aug 19- Pastor Merrill on vacation, call Linda in the office (712) 678-3630 (or call Linda at home at 267-3250 if you have any pastoral needs, she can refer you to an elder or another pastor in the circuit.district. 
  • Thurs Aug 11- Congratulations Pastor Merrill on 20 years in the ministry! 
  • Sun Aug 14- 9:00 AM Worship, guest preacher Rev. Bob Riggert from IDW 
    • 10:00 AM Finance Board Meeting
Praise, Prayer, & Progress; Old Buildings to be Razed- The Kragel (Sunday School) House and the Education Building are slated to be demolished this month. If there is anything in the Kragel house which you would like to bid on, or if you would like a chance to have a look, please contact Bob Kroll at (712) 678-3407; 

Orphan Grain Train- Volunteers needed for loading a container on Tues Aug. 16 at 9:00 AM at the Orphan grain Train Warehouse in Ida Grove.

Annual Timber Ridge Service- Our neighbors of the Lutheran Triple Parish (St. Luke's Ricketts, Immanuel, Soldier Township and St. Paul, Hanover Township) will hold their annual outdoor worship on Sunday, August 21 at 10:00 AM at Timber Ridge, West of Castana. Come enjoy some fellowship in the beauty of the Loess Hills and get to meet the new pastor, Timothy Frank.

The Triple Parish LYF is gathering donations and collections for the Edginton family which lost their home to a fire. Items being collected include: canned or boxed food, personal hygiene items such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, etc., laundry detergent, blankets, clothing size S-M juniors shirts, size 7 jeans or shorts, size M men's shirts, size 33 men's jeans, size XL ladies shirts, and size 36 men's jeans. Donations can be dropped off at any of the three churches or by contacting Lorne or Brenda Christiansen to pick them up.

CONFIRMATION ORIENTATION NIGHT- Wed. Aug. 24th at 7:00PM. This meeting is for ALL students in 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grades AND their parents. It is important for everyone to be there.Class books will be distributed and class information will be discussed.

COLLECTING SCHOOL SUPPLIES- for children in the CO-U schools. Supplies needed include: Kleenex, scissors, Elmer's glue, #2 pencils, erasers, notebooks, markers, colored pencils, rulers, calculator, highlighters, disinfectant wipes, and black dry-erase markers.

REMINDER- Anything that you would send to either Linda or Pastor for the weekly bulletin or the monthly newsletter that you'd also like to have posted here (like pictures, notices, thank yous, or announcements), be sure to email a copy to "Netzmeister" Ted Mallory- Thank you. Help make this Website to be the best that it can for both the congregation and our community!

Thursday, August 04, 2011

St. Paul, Ute & St. John, Charter Oak;
VBS Night Five

Tonight, children learned that Jesus goes ahead to prepare a place for us in Heaven.
Adventurers learned about the Apostle John's exile on the island of Patmos and how God revealed to him what our real home in Heaven will be like and how God will live with us and comfort us (John 14:1-4 & Revelation 21: 10-22:5).

Over 90 children and at least 35 adult and teen volunteers made the St. Paul/St. John VBS a reality this year. Thank you parents and volunteers for your help and support.

 Adventurers sing Bible Jungle songs at the 2011 VBS Closing worship service.

It was a wild Jungle Adventure!

By Bethany Mallory, VBS Director

Thank you to everyone who helped make the St John and St Paul Jungle Adventure a great success!  We had 94 children and over 35 volunteers seeking adventure at VBS 11.  On this adventure, kids learned about Jesus and how He cares for His people of all times and places.  As kids heard the stories from Scripture, they related the Bible truths to their own Faith Journey.

Each Big Jungle Adventure day started out at the Sound-Off Opening. We would meet our friends and our Tribe Leaders, we would sing, pray, and learn the day’s Take-Home Point.  We also learned about the theme and Bible story through the adventures of Morgan, the adventure guide, and three young adventurers. 

After opening, the kids journeyed off to rotation sites for storytelling, Bible challenge, games, music, and crafts.  Finally, everyone came back together at Send-Off Closing for music, prayer, and wrap-up with the closing video.

Before they left each night, the students also received a “silly band” which told a part of the Salvation message.  On closing night students received a second set of Salvation silly bands to share with a friend.

Big Jungle Adventure
St. John, Charter Oak & St. Paul, Ute, VBS 2011
Participants and volunteers included:
Preschool: Lily Bramley, Noah Bramley, Caralyn Henschen, Brooklyn Butler, Nolan Kragel, Abbey Meseck, Logan Miller, Kaylyn Miller, Marissa Galvin, Ava Klinker, Isabel Jepsen, Sam Bonsall. Kysa Neddermeyer, Lizzie Majerus, Danny Hagemann Preschool Teacher: Gretchen Bonsall; Helpers:  Sandy Bramley, Hannah Pester, McKenzie Albers, Jacob Bramley, Emory McGee

Preschool: Lilli Schwarz, Kennedy Goslar, Andrew Thoreson, Zayden Reffitt, Tyrel Jacobsen, Duncan Purcell, William Sorenson, Anna Galvin, Owen Galvin, Mason Kuhlmann, Caden Kuhlmann, Josie Hagemann, Alizabeth Jacobsen, Maddie DeYoung, Mya Goslar, Skyler Beerman Preschool Teacher: Trisha McDonald & Sam Kelm; Helpers: Brooke Pester, Amy Goslar, Dena Sorenson

K-2 (Bobo Group): Annamarie Mallory, Janely Flores, Ethan Kuhlmann, Emily Sorenson, Larissa Miller, Jadon Malone, Cambri Brodersen, Hailey Meseck, Molly Hupp, Kayla Neddermeyer, Travis Webster, Alexia Miller, Zoe Reffitt, Melissa Thoreson, Tara Bonsall, Jeffrey Flores, Cole Miller, Desmond Hagemann, Kylee Mead, Nate Bazaldua Leaders:  Cale Neddermeyer, Braden Neddermeyer, Nolan Neddermeyer

K-2 (Kiki Group): Saige Behrens, Abby Melby, Keely Kuhlmann, Jack Flores, Gaige Elwell, Ashley Neumeyer, Calliyah Mareau, Gavin Purcell, Trey Kunze, Chase Pester, Adam Castillo, Thomas Sorenson, Lily Hahn Leaders: Kelly Butler, Heather Rosburg, Aubri Castillo, Cierra Carlson, Jenny Castillo

Third-Fourth Grade: Evelyn Henschen, Ellen Mallory, Claire Staley, Katie Klockgether, Cody Rosburg, Payton Goslar, Cobi Askew, Lizzie Jepsen, Crysta Gierstorf, Robert Self, Skyler Kelm, Kaitlynn Thoreson, Alyah McCartney, Madison Young, Haley Albers, Brian Gossage,  Sieranna Bazaldua  Leaders: Chaney Teut, Katie Schwarz

Fifth-Sixth Grade: Riley Elwell, Jordyn Pester, Alayna Castillo, Erin Staley, Hallie Neddermeyer, Grace Mallory, Jesse Hupp, Reagen Miller, Jordan Hagemann, Kolton Nelson  Leader: Alaina Gierstorf, Melissa Webster

Site Leaders:
Faith Journeys Bible Stories: Ted Mallory
Big Adventure Bible Challenge: Leon Meseck
Kiki’s Crazy Creations Crafts: Peggy Sue Henschen (coordinator) June Neddermeyer, Doris Jepsen, Norma Jo Majerus, Julie Meseck, Maria Flores, Marjorie Neddermeyer
Go Wild Games: Pastor Merrill (coordinator), Brandon Krapfl, Emily Pautsch, Ryan Vogt, Colten Jepsen, Tristan Kunze, Carter Brodersen
Jammin’ Jungle’ Tunes:  Shelby Goslar, Amy Kuhlmann, Karly Kunze, Jayme Savery
Snack Helpers: Joan Nobbe, Jane Kunze, Creta Teut, Barb Timm, Marilynn Neddermeyer, Norma Buschmann, Beth Maack, Patti Vogt, Patty Goslar, June Neddermeyer
VBS Coordinators:  Bethany Mallory (St John) & Heather Rosburg (St Paul)
Set Construction: Ted Mallory, Bethany Mallory, Marjorie Neddermeyer, Allan Neddermeyer, Cale Neddermeyer, Braden Neddermeyer, Nolan Neddermeyer

Special thank you’s to the following: Louie’s Quick Stop for pizza, McDonalds for juice, and to the members of St. John and St Paul and VBS parents for monetary donations used for pizza on Thursday and materials throughout the week.  Thanks also to the parents and friends who provided treats and bars for snacks and fellowship this week.
We had a “new” facility this week for VBS with the remodel in the basement.  Thank you to all the volunteers who worked long and hard hours to get the rooms ready for us this week.  What a great improvement!  We appreciate you!
VBS is a significant commitment in time, energy, and expense. 

Thank you to all those who volunteered and helped prior to and during VBS!  A special thank you to the congregation members and VBS parents who remembered us in your prayers in order to give these children a week to remember.


Wednesday, August 03, 2011

St. Paul, Ute & St. John, Charter Oak;
VBS Night Four

 Tonight, children learned that Jesus died to save us from our sins.

Adventurers learned about Jesus' Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem, His crucifixion, and how the disciples discovered His empty tomb and RAN to tell the good news of His resurection (John 20:1-10, 18-21).

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

St. Paul, Ute & St. John, Charter Oak;
VBS Night Three

Almost 85 children attended St. John & St. Paul's VBS!

Tonight, children learned that Jesus is the light of life that we share with others.

Adventurers learned about Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and how He wants us to let our lights shine before others so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:14-16 & John 8:12).

ROARING like lions during "Jungle Jive" music time.

Monday, August 01, 2011

St. Paul, Ute & St. John, Charter Oak;
VBS Night Two

Tonight, children learned about how Jesus protects us from our enemies, sin, death, and the Devil.

Adventurers learned about the story of how God used Moses to rescue His people from slavery and injustice in Egypt, even parting the Red Sea so that they could cross over to freedom  (Exodus 14:10-29).
Our memory verse was Psalm 18:2,
"The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."

 Working on crafts
 Leon Meseck welcomes kids to the Bible Challenge
 Volunteers Julie Meseck, June Neddermeyer and Marge Neddermeyer prepare supplies for craft projects
 Pastor had plenty of Junior High and HS volunteers helping him with games. Here children have to cross the Red Sea without getting wet (sprayed by older kids).

 Kids learned praise songs at Jamin' Jungle Tunes upstairs in the sanctuary
VBS Director Bethay Mallory leads kids in the evenings' Sound-Off

Prayer, Praise, and Progress;
New Sunday School Rooms Ready for Business!

This summer some of the Trustees and lots of volunteers have been working in the church basement to get ready for the Sunday School classes in the Fall. The North third of the basement was framed out and dry-walled, and painted. Finally solid oak doors and their frames from the old Education building were installed. Thank you to all the volunteer workers who donated time and supplies!