Sunday, February 26, 2017

This Week @ St.John

    • 9:00AM Ladies' Lenten Retreat; theme, Jesus' 'I Am' statements
    • 3:30PM Confirmation
    • 5:30PM Sunday School Supper
    • 7:00PM Midweek Lenten Worship, with Communion
  • SAT  3/4- 6:00PM Worship at St. Paul, Hanover
  • SUN 3/5- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class
    • 10:00AM Worship with Communion (Mite Box Sunday)
    • 1:00PM-4:00PM Family Fun Day at Harlan Wellness Center & Waterpark
    • 7:00PM Adult Instruction Class

Sunday School Family Mid Week Lenten Service Treats/Bars Schedule:

Sunday, February 19, 2017

This Week @ St.John

  • TUES 2/21- Office closed at 3:00PM
  • WED 2/22- 3:30PM Confirmation
  • FRI-SAT 2/24-25- CHAOS for 6th-8th Graders at Camp Okoboji
  • SAT 2/25- 6:00PM Worship at Immanuel
  • SUN 2/26- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00AM Woship
    • 7:00PM Adult Instruction
  • FAMILY RECREATION DAY; Sunday March 5- The Board of Christian Education sponsors a Family Rec Day at the Myrtue Wellness Center (& water park) in Harlan. Swimming, water slides, a tubing river, plus basketball, racquetball all available, $8 for adults, $5 for children. If we get a group of 25 or more, everybody gets a dollar off admission. Sign-up on the counter in the entryway.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

You have a seat at the Lord's table

Through Holy Communion We Receive:

  • forgiveness of sins
  • salvation
  • new life
  • hope
  • unity
  • strengthening of faith
  • victory over death
  • the peace of God

Holy Communion is one of the means God uses to assure you and others that you are loved and cared for. Holy Communion will strengthen your participation in the life and work of the Church. It will renew your sense of identity and security in Christ. It will make you more aware that God provides for your spiritual nourishment. And it will reveal to you the inclusive nature of God's love

Have you been missing out?

If because of work or other scheduling conflicts, you haven't been able to get to church on a communion Sunday, consider attending on Ash Wednesday coming up March 1st at 7:00pm. You may also want to call the office and ask when Triple Parish will share communion at a 6:00pm Saturday evenings.

Do you know someone else who's been missing out?

Did you know that over 100 St. John members haven't received communion at St.John for over a year. If you know members who haven't been to church in a while- with or without receiving the Lord's Supper- invite them back. Tell them that we miss them & that the church is always here for them.
God wants to be able to share His Word and His love with us and church is where He does it.

If you have family members who've moved out of the area, please pray for them to be able to find a new church home and encourage them to let us know if they need to transfer their membership.

Monday, February 13, 2017

This Week @ St.John

  • TUES 2/14- 8:45AM Pastors' Conference at Our Savior, Denison
  • WED 2/15- 3:30PM Confirmation
    • 7:00PM Elders' Meeting
  • FRI 2/17-SAT 2/18- Youth Lock-In at St. Paul, Ute; Grades 7-12. Contact Pastor if interested.
  • SAT 2/18- 6:00PM Worship at Immanuel
  • SUN 2/19- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00AM Worship with Communion
    • SHORT MTG. After Church for 8th Graders & their parents RE: Confirmation questioning & other preparations. Confirmation on May 7.
    • 11:00AM-12:30PM LWML Pancake Brunch
    • 7:00PM Adult Instruction Class

LWML Winter Brunch

Sunday, February 19th
St.John's Fellowship Hall
Menu: Pancakes, French Toast, Scrambled Eggs & Ham, Applesauce, Pastries & Beverages
Free Will Donation
Sponsored by St. John's LWML
All proceeds go toward LWML Mission Projects


Friday, February 10, 2017

Offering Open Arms in February

Serving in God's House this month:

Head Elder: Ralph Dorale

Head Usher: Bob Kroll
Ushers: Brian Koeppen, Roger Jepsen, Brian Pautsch, Dustin Kuhlmann, Alan Kuhlmann, Brad Bramley, & Randy Kruse

GREETERS: Ralph & Becky Dorale
Feb 5 &19: Brenda Nemitz & Betty Henschen
Feb 12&26: Trisha Steffen & Judy Kragel

Feb 5 Annamarie Mallory & Loryn Schultz
Feb 12 & 19 Justice McCartney & Carson Schultz
Feb 26 & Mar 1 Tayen Cornelius & Gaige Elwell

Sunday, February 05, 2017

This Week @ St.John

  • TUE 2/7- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
    • 4:00PM LWML Bible Study 'Living a Chocolate Life'
  • WED 2/8- 3:30PM Confirmation
  • SAT 2/11- 6:00PM Worship at Immanuel
  • SUN 2/12- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class
    • 10:00AM Worship, Lutheran Family Services (LSF) Sunday; Guest Preacher, Rev .Wolfram
    • 11:00AM Finance Board Meeting
    • 11:30-3:00PM LYF & Junior High Playing cards & games with residents at the Reed House in Denison
    • 6:00PM Family Movie Night

February 5Exodus 36-38, Matthew 23:1-22
February 6Exodus 39-40, Matthew 23:23-39
February 7Leviticus 1-3, Matthew 24:1-28
February 8Leviticus 4-5, Matthew 24:29-51
February 9Leviticus 6-7, Matthew 25:1-30
February 10Leviticus 8-10, Matthew 25:31-46
February 11Leviticus 11-12, Matthew 26:1-25
February 12Leviticus 13, Matthew 26:26-50


DATE: Tuesday February 7th
TIME: 4pm
WHERE: St. John Fellowship Hall
BRING: A friend - Savor God's Word & see what chocolate treats awaits you.

* You will be encouraged through worship and Bible Study
* Living a Chocolate Life you will be encouraged to savor God's sweet grace.
will engage in celebrating Go's faithfulness while serving the Lord with Gladness

LYF; Play Games as a Service Project; Sun Feb 12
LYF members (AND 6th-8th grade confirmation students), this is for you! We are having a project to brighten the lives of the residents of the Reed House in Denison. On Sunday, February 12 at 1:00 PM. We will give them an opportunity to socialize by playing cards and other games with them. Euchre, UNO, Yahtzee and other games are part of the afternoon. We’ll meet at church at 11:30AM, go to Pizza Ranch for lunch (paid for by LYF) and then go to the Reed House for games. We should be back by 3:00 PM or maybe even earlier. Hope you can join us.

Sunday, February 12 at 6:00PM
The Erwin Brothers' 'Mom's Night Out' (2004) Starring Sean Astin, Patricia Heaton & featuring Trace Adkins; Free popcorn & pop, sponsored by the Board of Christian Education.

The reality of everyday parenting comes to light in 'Moms' Night Out,' a wholesome and hilarious comedy for everyone who loves to laugh. And best of all, it encourages moms to remember the importance of their roles... and God's heart for families.

LWML Winter Brunch

Sunday, February 19th
St.John's Fellowship Hall
Menu: Pancakes, French Toast, Scrambled Eggs & Ham, Applesauce, Pastries & Beverages
Free Will Donation
Sponsored by St. John's LWML
All proceeds go toward LWML Mission Projects