Sunday, January 29, 2012

This Week at St.John

  • WED Feb.1- 3:30pm Confirmation Class
  • THR Feb.2- 1:30pm LWML Meeting
  • SUN Feb.5- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Class
    • 10:00am Worship with Communion (Mite Box Sunday)
    • 5:00pm Super Bowl Party at Pastor's
BIBLE STUDY SURVEY- Please fill out the Bible Study Survey your received in your church bulletin on Sunday and drop it off in the Church office- or pick one up in the church office to fill out. Help us tailor studies that will best fit the schedules and interests of the congregation and make 2012 "The Year of the Word!"

PASTOR MERRILL'S SUPERBOWL PARTY- You're invited, Sunday, February 5 at 5:00pm. Please sign the RSVP Sheet in the church lobby, so that Pastor will know how much pizza & pop to have. Please bring a snack to share.

THANK YOU- to Barb Magill for serving as Recording Secretary for several years, and thank you to Alaina Gierstorf for volunteering to become our new Recording Secretary.

LWML PANCAKE BRUNCH- February 26th, mark your calendars!

OFFERING ENVELOPES/TAX STATEMENTS- Boxes of 2012 offering envelopes are in the back of the sanctuary for members to pick up. Statements of your 2011 giving, for your taxes are in the church lobby, under the 'Road to Emmaus' painting next to Room 101.

APOSTLES MOSAIC REMOVED- A portion of the large mosaic hanging in the church lobby was crumbling and fell off last week. On Tuesday, Jan. 24, Bob & Annie Kroll, Don & Nadine Friedrichs, and Byron & Karen Weiss tried to take down the mosaic in one piece in hopes of repairing the artwork. Unfortunately it fall apart further. The shields representing the Apostles were saved. Ideally someone can re-purpose them somehow in the church or in the new addition. Please let members of the building committee know if you have any ideas.  This beautiful artwork has been a part of our church since 1971.

If anyone has any photos of the mosaic, please let Webmaster Ted Mallory know, so that he can scan it and post it here on the church website- Thank You!

PLANS FOR THE NEW ADDITION- Plans are hanging in the lobby. Please take a look. If you have any questions or concerns, please share them with the Building Committee: Bill Magill, Bob & Annie Kroll, Don & Nadine Friedrichs, Byron & Karen Weiss, Kevin & Shelli Pester, and Kevin Clausen.

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT- Sun. February 12 at 6:00pm. The makers of 'Fireproof,' Sherwood Pictures present the 2011 film 'Courageous,' PG-13. Admission is free and there will also be free popcorn & pop. Watch as four police officers face a more daunting challenge when they take of their badges---fatherhood. Join us for a night of family, film, and fellowship- sponsored by the St. John Board of Education.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

This Week at St.John

  • WED JAN 26- 3:30pm Confirmation
    • 7:00pm Elder's Meeting
    • 7:00pm Contemporary Chorus Practice
  • THU JAN 27- 6:00pm Cub Scout Meeting
  • SUN JAN 29- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00am (5th Sun) Contemporary Worship
    • Pick-Up "Soup-to-Go" orders
    • 1:00pm LYF Volleyball Tournament in Manila
Copies of the Annual Report may be picked up in the Church lobby. If you received one at last week's Voter's Meetings, it has a couple of errors. Please return yours to Linda in the office for a corrected one. Thank You.

CHAOS (Christians Hyped About Our Savior)- Junior High Youth retreat (grades 6-8) at Camp Okoboji February 24-25. $47 cost includes meals, lodging and a tee-shirt. Registration forms are due by February 1. Adults who'd like to chaperone, please contact Pastor.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Contemporary Chorus

Sing to the LORD a new song

Psalm 96:1 

January has five services and Pastor has planned a contemporary worship service for the last Sunday, the 29th of January. Music has been selected. We need to get together to practice so how about this Sunday January 22nd immediately following the worship service and again on Wednesday evening @ 7:00? This will allow us two practices and should be sufficient as although it’s been some time ago, we have done all the music before. Thanks everyone. Contemporary Worship adds another dimension to our worship services at St. John.

Marjorie Neddermeyer
Chorus Director/Organist

ANYONE is welcome to join the Contemporary Chorus, just let Marge know!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Year of the Word

"Blessed Lord, since You have caused all Holy Scripture to be written for our learning, grant that we may so hear them, read, mark, and inwardly digest them that we may embrace and ever hold fast to the blessed hope of everlasting life." ~Collect for Propers 10, Series A, Lutheran Service Book

This Week @ St.John

  • WED JAN 18- 1:30pm Confirmation
    • 7:00pm Quarterly Voters' Meeting
  • THR JAN 19- 6:00pm Cub Scouts Meeting
  • SUN JAN 22- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00am Worship
YEAR OF THE WORD- Watch the church bulletin for survey coming soon about Bible Studies. Let us know what sorts of topics interest you and what days and times besides Sunday morning at 8:45 that would be convenient for you. Help us help you dig into God's Word.

HISPANIC MINISTRY- A Free Will Offering will be collected January 22 for Rev. Dan Vogel to support Hispanic Ministry in Western Iowa. This offering will be gathered on the third Sunday of every month from now on. Every Sunday, Pastor Vogel leads worship in Spanish in Storm Lake in the morning, Denison at noon, and Des Moines in the evening! Click here to read Pastor Vogel's newsletter

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Hispanics now make up nearly  24.2% of the population of Crawford County. This is a vital and growing mission area.

Pastor Vogel (Denison and Storm Lake) and Pastor Henry Witte (Sioux City) proclaim the cross to the Spanish-speaking people in Iowa District West. They also assist congregations in developing outreach programs to reach these new Iowans. Click here to donate to Rev.Vogel online. 

Contact Pastor Vogel at: 

LYF 'SOUP-to-GO'- St. John's Lutheran Youth Fellowship will be taking orders on January 15 & 22 in the church lobby for 'SOUPer Bowl Sunday' (January 29). Choices are: Chicken Noodle, Chili, or Ham & Bean. The soup costs $3 per pint, $6 per quart, and $24 per gallon. Thank you for your support!

LYF VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT- January 29, hosted by Trinity Lutheran, Manilla at the old IKM Gym. More information to come, or call Trinity at (712) 654-3031

BLOOD DRIVE- Jan 30th, 12:30pm-5:30pm at the Charter Oak-Ute High School. Call 800-287-4903 to make an appointment.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS- Here are some dates coming up to "keep on your radar."

Turn to the Word for God's love

"Although the work of salvation was accomplished and forgiveness of sins was acquired on the cross, yet it cannot come to us in any other way than through the Word." ~Martin Luther

Make 2012 'The Year of the Word,' commit to reading your Bible every day and come join us to hear God's Word spoken, sung, and taught every Sunday.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

EPIPHANY; This Week @ St.John

  • TUE JAN 10- 8:45am Circuit Pastors' Conference at Our Savior, Denison
  • WED JAN 11- 3:30pm Confirmation
    • 7:00pm Church Council Mtg.
    • 7:00pm Building Committee Mtg.
  • THUR JAN 12- 7:00pm 'Spin-Tacular Basketball Show' at St. Paul, Ida Grove (Free Admission)
  • SUN JAN 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00am Worship Service
    • 1:00pm Pastor Merrill preaching at Denison Care Center
    • 2:00pm Pastor Merrill preaching at Eventide Lutheran Home
    • 4:00pm LYF Mtg.
OFFERING ENVELOPES are in the back of the church, please pick yours up.

COU AFTER-PROM is taking orders  for 2 lb containers of BBQ pork for $10. Please order by January 10th. Contact Becky Kunnze or Karleen Beeck. Orders will be brought to Church Jan. 22.

BUILDING PLEDGES please remember to  mark your checks for 'Building fund Pledge' or 'Building Fund' so that Jane & Otto can get it to the right place. Thank You.

RICKETTS ANNUAL COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP BRUNCH- Sunday, January 15th, 8:30am-12:30pm at the Ricketts Community Building. Pancakes, French toast, sausages, applesauce, pastries & beverages.

PLANS FOR THE NEW ADDITION are hanging in the lobby. Please take a look. If you have any questions or concerns please talk to one of the Building Committee members; Bill Magill, Don & Nadine Friedrichs, Byron & Karen Weiss, Bob & Annie Kroll, Kevin & Sheri Pester, or Kevin Clausen.

TIME TO RENEW YOUR 'LUTHERAN WITNESS' SUBSCRIPTION- $21.65 per year, please pay in the church office by February 19th. Thank You. If you'd like, look for a 'Lutheran Witness' envelope in your offering envelope box.

ANNUAL REPORTS If you are a committee chair or church organization leader, please get your annual reports in to Linda Kuhlmann in the church office as soon as possible for inclusion in the Annual Report published for the Church Council and Voters' Meetings this month.

USHER/GREETER LISTS Please consider serving as a greeter or usher. If you are already on the list to do so and need to switch months or be removed, please let Linda know by January 10.

CO-U HS BLOOD DRIVE Monday, January 30th 12:30pm-5:30pm at Charter Oak-Ute High School. Please call 800-287-4903 to make an appointment.

LUTHERAN MARRIAGE RETREAT February 24-25 Calvary and St. Paul's Lutheran Churches in Sioux City will be hosting a "Date Night" at the Stoney Creek Inn. There will be dinner, magic, and music. Dr. Thad Warren will speak on "Increasing Intimacy in Marriage." $125 per couple. Visit or call 712-239-1575

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Ways to Make 2012 the 'Year of the Word'

" For some years now I have read through the Bible twice every year. If you picture the Bible to be a mighty tree and every word a little branch, I have shaken every one of these branches because I wanted to know what it was and what it meant." ~Martin Luther

In his January church newsletter article, Pastor Merrill challenged us to make this year the "Year of the Word," by resolving to spend more time reading, studying and learning about the Bible. Obviously attending worship services, Sunday school, confirmation, prayer and Bible study groups are all wonderful opportunities to do this, but so are personal Bible reading and personal or family devotional time.

Here are some links that you can use to help you spend time shaking "every little branch" of the "mighty tree" that is God's Word:
Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ~John 8:31-32

Sunday, January 01, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR: This week at St.John

  • Mon 1/2- office closed
  • Tue 1/3- 6:30am Men's Bible Study
  • Wed 1/4- no confirmation class
  • Thr 1/5- noon LWML Luncheon
    • 7:00pm Board of Education 
  • Sun 1/8- 8:45am Sun School & Bible Study
    • 10:00am Worship
LWML Annual January Luncheon- An invitation is extended to all women in the congregation to our annual January noon luncheon to be held Thursday, January 5th at 12:00. Jane Shever, Mapleton Zone President will present her report on last June's National LWML Convention held in Peoria, IL. We will draw for new prayer partners. If you'd like to attend and would like a prayer partner, or if you would like a prayer partner but cannot attend, please let Linda know by Tuesday January 3.

Year-End Reports Due- Please get them into Linda this week, in time for this month's Council and Voters' meetings. 

Ushers/Greeters- If you would like to serve as an usher or greeter, or if you need to change which months you serve,please let Linda know in the office. Thank You.

CO-U After Prom fundraiser- 2 lb containers of BBQ pork, The cost is $10 and your order must be submitted by January 10th. If you are interested, please contact Backy Kunze or Karleen Beeck. Thank you. Orders will be brought to church on January 22nd.

Annual Charter Oak Community Soup Supper- January 8th at 11:00am at the Charter Oak Community Building. Community Club elections will be at Noon. Soup & Sandwiches donated by United Bank of Iowa.

Ricketts Community Annual Leadership Breakfast- At the Ricketts Community Center on January 15th, 8:30am to 12:30pm. Free Will Donation. Pancakes, french toast, sausage, applesauce, pastries & drinks. Come see who the leader will be.