Sunday, August 28, 2016

This Week @ St.John

  • MON 8/29- Pastor's Golf Day
    • 7:00PM Playground Committee
  • WED 8/31- 7:00PM Confirmation Orientation
  • THR 9/1- 1:30pm LWML Mtg.
  • SAT 9/3- 6:00PM Triple Parish Worship at St. Luke's, Ricketts
  • SUN 9/4- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class RESUME
    • 10:00AM Worship with Communion, (Mite Box Sunday)
RALLY SUNDAY / PLAYGROUND OPEN-HOUSE & RE-DEDICATION- Everyone is invited to this special event on Sunday, September 11 following Worship. Many new items have been added to St. John's Playground. Hot dogs & root beer floats will be served. There will be a free-throw contest, train rides, games & fun. Be sure to invite your neighbors & friends to enjoy the afternoon. 

Please plan on attending "Rally-Day" Sunday beforehand, when we will install our Sunday School & Confirmation staff and when First graders will receive their Bibles and Fifth graders their Small Catechisms. 

THANKING GOD FOR 25 YEARS OF MINISTRY- Remember, we will be honoring Pastor Merrill on September 25th for his twenty-five years in the ministry. Please join us for dinner following the special worship service. For more information, look for the green sheet in your newsletter which you will receive in the mail later this week.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

This Week @ St.John

  • Pastor Merrill returns from vacation, FRI. AUG 19- Until then, Elders & Pastor Manley at St.Paul, Ute are available for pastoral needs.
  • MON. AUG 15- Office closing at 2:00PM
  • SAT. AUG 20-  6:00PM Worship with Communion
  • SUN. AUG 21- 9:00AM Worship with Communion
    • 10:30AM Triple Parish Worship at St.Paul, Hanover
  • CONFIRMATION ORIENTATION- WED. AUG 31 at 7:00PM for all 5th-8th graders and their parents. This meeting is mandatory; we will be distributing materials and schedules.