Sunday, May 28, 2017

Vacation Bible School Jul 30-Aug 3

You’re Invited!

St John Lutheran Church VBS
Charter Oak
July 30-August 3, 6:00-8:30
All children ages preschool (potty trained) - grade 6 invited
Free brown bag snack @ 5:45 each evening
Call or text Bethany @ 269.5970
or Linda at 678.3630

Volunteers Needed, Call Bethany

This Week @ St.John

Members of American Legion Post 66 in Charter Oak, recess 

after worship to the front lawn where they held Memorial Day
ceremonies Sunday, May 28, including the decoration of a 
memorial to the unknown and a twenty-one gun salute.

  • MON 5/29- Office Closed for Memorial Day
  • SAT 6/3- 6:00PM Worship
  • SUN 6/4- 8:00AM Adult Bible Class
    • 9:00AM Worship with Communion (Mite Box Sunday)
    • 1:00PM Pastor preaching at Denison Care Center
    • 2:00PM Pastor at Eventide
    • 2:45PM Pastor at Silveridge
  • SUMMER WORSHIP TIMES; Beginning in June, Adult Bible Study at 8AM, Sunday Worship at 9AM
  • TRIPLE PARISH VBS- June 4-8 at Ricketts Park. Each evening will begin with supper at 5:30PM followed by lessons, crafts, etc. from 6-8PM. The program is led by counselors from Camp Okoboji. If your family is going to be gone during St.John's VBS July 30-Aug 3, please consider sending your children to Ricketts for their Vacation Bible School.
  • MEN'S TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY- will continue meeting the second Tuesday of each month for June & July . The dates are June 13 & 11. That way Pastor will not have to get up early after the ballgame in Omaha, and we probably wouldn't meet on July 4 anyway. Please join us.

  • SUMMER ADULT BIBLE CLASS- In commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation our Bible Study is entitled "A Man Named Martin." Come learn how God shaped Luther's early life and then used him to bring the church back to the teaching of salvation by graced through faith in Jesus Christ. The study will also cover some of the misguided teachings of the medieval church and why reform was needed. All ages are invited to come and learn about our Lutheran history and grow in an understanding of what we believe. Class will meet at 8:00AM Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall.

    Sunday, May 21, 2017

    This Week @ St.John

    • THRS MAY 25- 5:30PM Supper at Mission Central
      • 7:00PM Ascension Day Worship at Mission Central
    • SAT MAY 27- 6:00PM Worship with Communion at Immanuel (Triple Parish)
    • SUN MAY 28- 8:45AM Adult Bible Class (Sunday School on Summer hiatus)
      • 10:00AM Worship/Memorial Day Observation (refreshments following)
    • SUMMER HOURS BEGIN NEXT WEEK- Beginning in June, Adult Bible Class(ABC) will begin at 8:00AM and Worship will be at 9:00AM. Please join us every week to receive God's Word in both study & praise!
    • LUTHERAN NIGHT WITH THE OMAHA STORM CHASERS- June 5 at 7:00PM. Special ticket rates of $11 for infield box seats, $7 for outfield seats. Special meal vouchers also available; $9 burgers, $7 pizza & $6 hot dogs, each with soda. These ticket & voucher prices are good through May 31.  Please let Pastor know if you're interested in going ('cause he's definitely interested.
    • CIRCUIT 500th ANNIVERSARY REFORMATION SERVICE- At St.John October 29. We need a committee for planning a meal. Please let Pastor or the church office know if you'd be interested in serving on this committee.
    • CONCORDIA CUBS WEEK @ CAMP OKOBOJI- July 16-22 for kids who've completed grades 3-6. Camp will include Bible study, crafts, sports, swimming, recreation time & campfire devotions. Returning "Cubs" get a discount this year by bringing a friend. As Pastor for more information.

    Sunday, May 14, 2017

    Baccalaureate; Sent Forth With God's Blessings

    • MON MAY 15- Pastors' Golf Day in Ida Grove
    • WED MAY 17- 8:00PM Board of Elders' Meeting
    • SAT MAY 20- 6:00PM Worship at Immanuel (Triple Parish)
    • SUN MAY 21- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class (Last day of Sun. Schl.)
      • 10:00AM Worship with Commiunion; Baccalaureate Service
        PRAY for our CO-U Graduates: Allison Maack, Grace Mallory, Hallie Neddermeyer, Travis Pautsch, Dalton Smith & Emily Steffen. Graduates & families, please plan to attend this special worship service. Once a Bobcat, always a Bobcat & this Sunday will be a great day to be a Bobcat!
      • 11:00AM Finance Board Meeting
    • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED- to help place plants in the church planter. Call Annie Kroll at 3407 if you can help.
    • MEMORIAL DAY BREAKFAST- Monday, May 29, 7:30AM- Noon at the Charter Oak shelter house at the part. Veterans eat free, all others free-will-donation. Sponsored by the Charter Oak Fire Association.
    • CIRCUIT REFORMATION SERVICE- for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation is being held here at St. John on Sunday, October 29th. We need a committee to plan a supper after the service. If you'd be willing to serve on this committee, please let Pastor or the church office know. Thank you.

    May 162 Kings 24-25, John 5:1-24
    May 171 Chronicles 1-3, John 5:25-47
    May 181 Chronicles 4-6, John 6:1-21
    May 191 Chronicles 7-9, John 6:22-44
    May 201 Chronicles 10-12, John 6:45-71
    May 211 Chronicles 13-15, John 7:1-27
    May 221 Chronicles 16-18, John 7:28-53

    Sunday, May 07, 2017

    This Week @ St.John's

    • TUES MAY 9- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
    • WED MAY 10- 6:00PM LYF Pizza & a Movie Night (8th Graders invited too!)
    • SAT MAY 13- 6:00PM Worship at Immanuel
    • SUN MAY 14- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study
      • 10:00AM Worship
      • 11:00AM Finance Board Meets