- WED 4/28 6pm Confirmation banquet
- 7pm Confirmation Questioning Service- the congregation is invited!
- 8pm Elder's Meeting
- THURS 4/29 Past or at Mt. Olive, Des Moines- presenting a Okoboji Cub Week program
- SAT 5/1 9am Confirmation Photos & Rehearsal
- SUN 5/2 10am Confirmation service with communion
Pray for our confirmands: Aubri Castillo, Abby Dobernecker, Kayl Krapfl, Josh Maack, and Ben Pautsch
NEEDED... 1st & 2nd grade Sunday School teachers to finish out the year. It would only be every other Sunday. Please contact Peggy Sue Henschen at 885-1000 or let the office know. We will need 4 teachers for Sunday School next year.