MON-SAT JUNE 30-JULY 7 6:25AM Pastor Merrill hosts 'Thy Strong Word' on KDSN 107.1FM/1530AM, FYI-We need funding to help pay KDSN for this program. If you would like to make a donation toward 'Thy Strong Word,' please let either the office or KDSN know. Thank You. Start your day off with this devotion on God's Word.
- TUES 7/2- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
- 4:00PM LWML
- 7:30PM Church Council Meets
- THRS 7/4- Office Closed; Happy Independence Day!
- SAT 7/6- 6:00PM Worship at St. Paul, Hanover TWP
- SUN 7/7- 8:00AM Adult Bible Class
- 9:00AM Worship with Communion
- 10:00AM Elder's Meeting
- THRS 7/11- 7:30PM Quarterly Voters Meeting
- THRS-MON JULY 11-15- LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN. Please pray for the saftey and spiritual growth of our LYF members who will be attending.
Eventide Senior Living Community Announces Grow Bold With Us Capital Campaign Please consider contributing to the Eventide Lutheran Home buildinng campaign and continue to keep them in your prayers.
ST.JOHN PROVIDING SUMMER LUNCHES JULY 29-AUG 2 while Charter Oak-Ute school is closed for cleaning. The first four days coinside with VBS. Volunteers are needed. Sign up on the counter in the walkway or speak to Linda the office.
ST.JOHN VBS 2019 is a 'Miraculous Mission' July 28-Aug 1
We're asking for your PRAYERS...
ST.JOHN VBS 2019 is a 'Miraculous Mission' July 28-Aug 1
We're asking for your PRAYERS...
- For wisdom, direction, and guidance for our church leaders in planning.
- For the Holy Spirit to raise up workers for this week.
- For the children, that God would send His children and bless our words and ways as St. John offers with open arms the love of Jesus