Monday, October 26, 2020

This Week @ St. John


SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK OF     Oct.  25 – Nov. 1



                                Rev.  Josh Keinath, Zion, Denison

                      TODAY:          Reformation Day observed

                      WED:              3:30pm Confirmation – St. John

                                              7:30pmElders’ Meeting – at St. John

                      THUR:            9:30am Ricketts Bible Study

                      SAT:               5pm Sunday School at St. Paul

                                              6pm Worship Service at St. Paul

NEXT SUN:    8:45am Sunday School

                                              9am Bible Class

                                              10am Communion Service at St. John


WEEKLY REPORT…Offering $2,225.00



PRAYERS… Melvin Goslar, Paul Briggle (St, Paul), Milroy Rabe (St. Paul); Marlon Jepsen (St. Paul),

Arlene Nemitz (St. Paul), Luella Henschen, Rodney Kunze & members of our congregations who are

suffering or recovering from Covid 19.


DECORATING COMMITTEE.. we are looking for a couple people to decorate St. John church for holidays. Please let Pastor or office know if you are interested.

SNOW REMOVAL .. We are in need if 1 or 2 people who would be interested in removing snow from sidewalks. If interested let Jason Kuhlmann, Brad Bramley, Brent Friedrichs or Office know.


CHURCH JANITOR NEEDED.. The job consists of 20 hours a week. To see the list of duties please stop at the office.


2021 BALLOT:  Officers for 2021 are President Brian Koeppen; Vice- President  Steve Kuhlmann; Secretary – Linda Nepper; Treasurer – Becky Dorale; Finance Secretary – Steve & Karleen Beeck; Assistant Finance Secretary – Brian & Valeta Pautsch; Board of Trustees: Brent Friedrichs; Mission Secretary – Joel Kuhlmann; Board of Elders: Brady Goslar, Roger Kunze (for 2 yrs), David Klinker; Board of Education Karla Dorale; Board of Finance – Steve Garrett & Randy Kruse; Stewardship Lee Kuhlmann.


RICKETTS COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY:  Pastor is leading a Bible Study on Thurs. mornings at the Ricketts Community Center.  We begin at 9:30am.  They are doing a study of Paul's letter to the Galatians. There's coffee, sometimes other goodies, & always food for our spiritual lives in God's Word. We are practicing social distancing, but masks are encouraged in case we get larger numbers of people.  If you are looking for a Bible study during the week, come join us!

FROM LWML….LWML thanks everyone who brought coats in.


LYF will have their Thanksgiving Dinner on Nov. 15th. All dinners are carry out.


T.A.P.  it is time to get ready for the Temporary Aid Program. We are to have it in November. A list of items will be in next week’s bulletin.


WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR IOWA LUTHERAN ELEMENTARY and SECONDARY SCHOOLS?  Direct your state tax dollars to benefit these students through the Iowa Lutheran School Tuition Organization (ILSTO).  By donating to ILSTO, students will receive more financial aid to enable them to attend. All donations help whether it’s $500, $1,000 or $10,000 that you would normally pay in state tax. In addition, the benefit to you is a great tax credit of 65% on your Iowa state taxes.  For further information, please contact Dewey Torkelson at 712-260-2991. You might also check the websites: and   


NEED to Know before November 3! Christians can have varying opinions on political issues such as healthcare or immigration or taxation. When it comes to God’s truth issues—the sanctity of life and marriage and human sexuality—only God’s opinion counts. “Your identity in Christ trumps your identity as an American and even as an individual with opinions. Every time. No exceptions.” (Peter Slayton The Lutheran Witness August 2020, P. 14)  As citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20), God calls us to defend God’s truths “in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15).  Shine your light!  Please vote to affirm life. Lutheran Family Service – Rev. Dr. Jim Lamb, Life Advocate



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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Reformation Sunday (Oct 24)



October 25, 2020

Full Online Bulletin

DIVINE SERVICE, SETTING FIVE                        Page 213

Opening Hymn:  "Salvation unto Us Has Come"          LSB 555 sts. 1–3, 6, 9–10

Confession & Absolution

Introit        Ps. 9:1–2, 9–10; antiphon: Ps. 9:18

Gloria in Excelsis Hymn:  "All Glory Be to God Alone"         LSB 948

Salutation and Collect of the Day        


First Reading         Revelation 14:6–7

Epistle         Romans 3:19–28


Holy Gospel         John 8:31–36

Nicene Creed        

Hymn of the Day:  "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"         LSB 656


Sermon        John 8:31-36

"True Freedom"


Prayer of the Church         Page 215


Preface         LSB 216

Lord’s Prayer        

The Words of Our Lord        

Pax Domini        


Distribution with Dismissal at End


Post-Communion Collect        Page 218

Benedicamus         Page 218


Hymn to Depart:  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage"         LSB 582

Sunday, October 18, 2020

This Week @ St. John


October 18-25



        Rev. Kluzek, Faith, Deloit; St John, Kiron

TODAY: Welcome Pastor Johnson of Trinity, Manilla

TUES: Pastor back in the office

WED: 3:30pm Confirmation – St. John

7:30pm Voters’ Meeting – at St. John

THUR: 9:30am Ricketts Bible Study

SAT: 1-4pm Servant Event at St. John

5pm Sunday School at St. Paul

6pm Communion Service at St. Paul

NEXT SUN: 8:45am Sunday School

9am Bible Class

10am Communion Service at St. John 

WEEKLY REPORT…Offering $4,336.00


PRAYERS… Melvin Goslar, Paul Briggle (St, Paul), Milroy Rabe (St. Paul); Marlon Jepsen (St. Paul), 

Arlene Nemitz (St. Paul), Luella Henschen, Becky Kunze & members of our congregations who are suffering 

or recovering from Covid 19.

DECORATING COMMITTEE.. we are looking for a couple people to decorate St. John church for holidays. Please let Pastor or office know if you are interested.

PASTOR is gone this weekend for his "Fall Getaway Weekend". He will be back in the office on Tuesday. We did not have communion today but will on the 25th instead.

VOTERS MEETING…  The voters assembly will meet on Wed., Oct. 21, at 7:30 p.m.  On the agenda for the voters meeting are the approval of the 2021 budget, election of officers for 2021, and allocation of mission money to individual missionaries.

2021 BALLOT:  President – Brian Koeppen; Vice- President – Steve Kuhlmann; Secretary – Linda Nepper; Treasurer – Becky Dorale; Finance Secretary – Steve & Karleen Beeck; Assistant Finance Secretary – Brian & Valeta Pautsch; Board of Trustees: Brent Friedricks; Mission Secretary – Joel Kuhlmann; Board of Elders: (#) Brady Goslar, Roger Kunze (served 1 yr), David Klinker; Board of Education – Karla Dorale; Board of Finance – (2) Steve Garrett, Randy Kruse; Stewardship – Lee Kuhlmann. Voting will be Wednesday night. All welcome.

RICKETTS COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY:  Pastor is leading a Bible Study on Thurs. mornings at the Ricketts Community Center.  We begin at 9:30am.  We have begun a study of Paul's letter to the Galatians. There's coffee, sometimes other goodies, & always food for our spiritual lives in God's Word. We  are practicing social distancing, but masks are encouraged in case we get larger numbers of people.  If you are looking for a Bible study during the week, come join us!

NOT MUCH TIME….LWML is collecting men, women & children’s new or lightly used winter coats. These coats will be given to Crossroads in Denison for people in our area. We will collect till Oct. 25th. Please NO sweatshirts, sweaters or light jackets. Thank you.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Online Bulletin got SUN OCT 18



October 18, 2020


Opening Hymn:  "Sing Praise to God, the Highest Good" LSB 819

Confession & Absolution

Introit Ps. 121:1–4, 7–8; antiphon: Ps. 121:5

Salutation and Collect of the Day

Old Testament Reading Isaiah 45:1–7

Epistle 1 Thessalonians 1:1–10

Holy Gospel Matthew 22:15–22

Apostles’ Creed

Hymn of the Day:  "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name" LSB 940


Prayer of the Church

Lord’s Prayer

Benediction LSB 202

Hymn to Depart: 783 Take My Life and Let It Be LSB 783



        Rev. Nathan Peitsch, St. Paul, Ute


11am Finance Board Meeting

WED: 3:30pm Confirmation – St. John

7:30pm Council Meeting

THUR: 9:30am Ricketts Bible Study

FRI: 16-19 Pastor’s Get Away Weekend

SAT: No service at St. Paul

NEXT SUN: At St John:   Guest preacher – Rev. Johnson

8:45am Sunday School

9am Bible Class

10am Worship Service 

WEEKLY REPORT…Offering $1,864.00

 ATTENDANCE:    62             COMMUNION:   46

PRAYERS… Phil Ketelsen  (Immanuel), Melvin Goslar, Paul Briggle, Milroy Rabe (St. Paul); 

Marlon Jepsen (St. Paul), Arlene Nemitz (St. Paul), Elaine Stoltze, Luella Henschen, Helen Schultz, 

Becky Kunze & members of our congregations who are suffering or recovering from Covid 19.

WEDDING… Troy Schnoor and Lindsey Mohr were united in marriage on Saturday, October 11, 2020 in St. John Lutheran Church. We rejoice with this couple. What God hath joined together let not man put asunder.

DECORATING COMMITTEE.. we are looking for a couple people to decorate St. John church for holidays. Please let Pastor or office know if you are interested.

CEMETERY COMMITTEE.. we need one or two people to be on the St. John Cemetery Committee as soon as possible. Please let James Jepsen or Pastor know if you are interested.

CHURCH COUNCIL AND VOTERS …The Church Council meeting is Wednesday, Oct. 14, at 7:30 pm.  The voters assembly meets on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 7:30 p.m.  On the agenda for the voters meeting are the approval of the 2021 budget, election of officers for 2021, and allocation of mission money to individual missionaries.

RICKETTS COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY:  Pastor is leading a Bible Study on Thursday mornings at the Ricketts Community Center.  We begin at 9:30 a.m.  We have begun a study of Paul's letter to the Galatians.  There's coffee, sometimes other goodies, and always food for our spiritual lives in God's Word.  We are practicing social distancing, but masks are encouraged in case we get larger numbers of people.  If you are looking for a Bible study during the week, come join us!

PASTOR will be taking a "Fall Getaway Weekend" from Oct. 16-19.  There will be no service at St. Paul on Saturday, October 17.  We will all meet at St. John on Sunday the 18th.  The service on the 18th will not be a communion service; we will have communion on the 25th instead.

NOT MUCH TIME….LWML is collecting men, women & children’s new or lightly used winter coats. These coats will be given to Crossroads in Denison for people in our area. We will collect till October 25th. Please NO sweatshirts, sweaters or light jackets. Thank you.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Online Bulletin for Sunday, October 11

 Online Bulletin


October 11, 2020


The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Since 1942, the LWML has affirmed each woman’s identity as a child of God and her relationship with Jesus Christ. Lutheran Women in Mission are women of faith, empowered for active service in Jesus’ name and bold support of missions through Mite Box offerings. As Christians, we have been given the kingdom of God to bear its fruit.


Kingdom People Produce Kingdom Fruit


OPENING HYMN “Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty” LSB 901










SECOND READING Philippians 3:4b14


HOLY GOSPEL Matthew 21:3346



HYMN OF THE DAY "Praise, Love, Serve"

(Based on LWML Pledge, Text: Jean Hansen Kammerer, Tune: LSB 361)

Our God and Father, made the earth, And when we went astray,

Our God, the Son, descended here To take our sins away.

With His own blood He bought us. He broke the bonds of sin.

Then God the Spirit came into Our hearts to dwell within.


In gratitude we pledge ourselves, To Him with all we have.

Our hands will work; our voices sing; Our lips proclaim His love.

His errands we’ll do gladly; His Gospel we’ll defend;

Our silver and our gold we’ll use — His Kingdom to extend.


Wherever He has need of us, We will His call obey.

Whenever He calls out to us, We’ll answer right away.

His will is ours that lost souls Will turn away from sin

And come to have eternal life Through fellowship with Him.

SERMON “Kingdom People Produce Kingdom Fruit”

The kingdom of God will be … given to a people
producing its fruits” (Matthew 21:43).



In fervent gratitude for the Savior's dying love and His blood-bought gift of redemption we dedicate ourselves to Him with all that we are and have; and in obedience to His call for workers in the harvest fields, we pledge Him our willing service wherever and whenever He has need of us. We consecrate to our Savior our hands to work for Him, our feet to go on His errands, our voice to sing His praises, our lips to proclaim His redeeming love, our silver and our gold to extend His Kingdom, our will to do His will, and every power of our life to the great task of bringing the lost and the erring into eternal fellowship with Him. Amen.

(© 1955 LWML authored by Rev. Harry Fricke)



LORD’S PRAYER                                                                     


CLOSING HYMN “Serve the Lord with Gladness”

Text: Prof. Ernest Lewerenz, Tune: LSB 662

“Serve the Lord with gladness!”  It is He alone
Who redeemed us sinners,  Guides us as His own
To enjoy the blessings  Of His love and grace,
Will at last in glory  Meet us face to face.
Onward, then, for Jesus!  Let this be our aim:

“Serve the Lord with gladness!” 

Glorify His name.

“Serve the Lord with gladness!”  He gave us command
To proclaim His Gospel  Now in every land
So that fellow sinners  May, like us, be blest.
Leading them to Jesus,  We can serve Him best.
Onward, then, for Jesus!  Let this be our aim:
“Serve the Lord with gladness!” 

Glorify His name!

 “Serve the Lord with gladness!”  There’s no greater joy
Than to serve the Master,  Work in His employ.
As we build His kingdom  Angels, too, rejoice
Over every sinner  Brought to hear His voice.
Onward, then, for Jesus!  Let this be our aim:
“Serve the Lord with gladness!”
Glorify His name!


Portions from Lutheran Service Book.

Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

2020 LWML Sunday Worship Service authored by Rev. Larry Krueger.

The author grants permission for use in local worship settings.