Thursday, May 19, 2011

Graduation Time; Did you know?

St. John Lutheran School students and teachers in 1915. (From the 125th Anniversary History Book)
Did you know that St. John Lutheran School opened in Charter Oak in 1890 with just TWO students!? 

Please come celebrate Baccalaureate services for CO-U HS students at St. John this Sunday, May 22! And please think about how you can support Christian education at St. John. 

  • The most important way you can help is to support us with your prayers. Please pray regularly for our students, leaders and helpers.
  • You can encouraging your children and grandchildren to attend Sunday School, Confirmation, and Vacation Bible School- or inviting your neighborhood children to attend. 
  • You can support us support these ministries by volunteering your own time and talents to serve as a teacher, helper or memory-work listener. Call the church office to find out how.
  • Of course you can always support these outreaches financially or by donating supplies. Ask Pastor, Sunday School Superintendents Trisha McDonald and Peggy Sue Henschen, or VBS Director Bethany Mallory. Be sure to designate your gift to the St. John Board of Education.
  • You can also help by contributing to the campaign to raise funds to pay for razing and cleaning-up the old Education Building across from the church, moving or razing the Sunday School House next door, remodeling the basement into classrooms and/or the completion of a new handicap-accessible fellowship South of the church. Please consider prayerfully how much you can give.
Sharing the love of Jesus through His Word the Bible with our children is one of our greatest responsibilities as a congregation, as parents, and as a faith-community.Just because it's almost summer vacation, it's still the perfect time to ask God how you can support and promote the teaching about His love at St. John.

"Train up a child in the way he should go,Even when he is old he will not depart from it." ~Proverbs 22:6

Did you ever attend St. John Lutheran School as a student? Share some of your memories or tell us how God blessed you through Lutheran education. You can click on the "comments" link below this post, or post it on our facebook wall.

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