- TUES 10/25- 1:00pm Quilting
- WED 10/26- 9:00am Ladies Bible Study
- 1:30pm Confirmation
- 8:00pm Elder's Meeting
- THURS 10/27- Cub Scouts
- SUN 10/29- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
- 10:00am Worship Service (Reformation Sunday)
- 7:00pm Adult Instruction class
PLEASE LABEL YOUR GIVING- We need $4,169.50 before the end of the year to fulfill the commitment we made to the District and Synod for missions. Please keep this in mind as you allocate your offerings between home and missions. There are different envelopes for missions.
If you are giving money toward your pledge to the building fund, please be sure to identify it as such, other wise it will go into the general fund. You can put it in an envelope which you label "for building find," or write "building fund" on the memo line of the check.
If you are giving money toward your pledge to the building fund, please be sure to identify it as such, other wise it will go into the general fund. You can put it in an envelope which you label "for building find," or write "building fund" on the memo line of the check.
LWML COLLECTIONS- The LWML is collecting coats, sweaters and sweatshirts for the needy in the Church lobby until October 30th. They are also collecting used computer ink cartridges and old cell phones for recycling. Please ask your family members and co-workers for theirs too! Proceeds go toward the 2015 LWML National Convention in Des Moines. Thank you for your support.
SEASONAL HELP NEEDED- Scooping snow from the front of the Church & sidewalks this winter. Please talk to Trustee Bob Kroll or let Linda know in the Church office. Also, mowing the Church cemetery next Spring & Summer. Please contact Don Hopp or James Jepsen.
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