Thursday, September 08, 2011

A Letter from India

Greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well and the congregation. Weather might have cool down there .. Here it is still sticky but get lot of rain almost every  day called monsoon . From Nov it will cool down I had a safe journey back to India.Thank you very much for all your prayers and all the help you did for the Lord work here in India and for the school. May God reward you.  I miss Cyndi.   Linda,  If you would like to put this news letter in the bulletin it will be great .Thank you.

School is going well and the first term examination result will be out on 12 Sept. There is total $1910 for school building fund.

Here is the description of the source of fund.

$700 from the church for the missionary support for John Thomas  ( Which I would like to put into the school building fund rather than using for any other ministry needs)
$300 from BBS by Bethany Mallory
$100 from St John LWML by June Neddermayer
$100  Byron and Karen Weiss
$100 from Joel and Leesa
$25 from Iva lee Kulman
$190 from other three believers whose name is not given to me from St John Lutheran church.
$100 from  Gailen Meseck from triple parish church Rickets
Total from Lutheran church  $1615.

Received gift from other friends $ 295
Total  $1910 for school building fund. Thank God for that.

Need another $ 38,090 to purchase a building.

I thank you very much for those who contributed to the school building fund.
If any body would like to support for the school builind fund or for mission work here, please contact Linda or pastor Richard or Bill Magill. 

We are praying to conduct bible training course  for 20 new converts from non christian back ground  from 9-11 Sept. ( I do not want to mention the name of the religion from which they are saved by the Lord for security reason ) so that they will be able to teach others as well about the Lord   .2 timothy 2:2 Teach faithful  who are faithful to teach others as well..  We are praying to   give them lunch and dinner free of cost as they can  not afford to pay anything . One brother and I will  teach. Field is ripe but laborers are few.Matt 9:36. It is the desire of the Lord that every one should get a chance to hear the gospel and those who are responsive will get eternal life. Jesus trained his disciples for three years.

People from England were Christians that is why America became a Christian country (majority Christians. ) because Americans came from England.  But we need to remember that Islam was advancing towards Europe and some faithful people of God stood against the advance of Islam and pushed back and many faithful servants of the Lord sacrificed their life for that cause. Because of some people,s, faithfulness, sacrifice America got Christianity, .  somebody payed the price for it.  somebody made a difference. some people payed the cost and that is why today America  has  Christians. N ow is the time for America  to rise up and do the work for the Lord so that those who did not hear the gospel may be able to hear and will have  church for all people.Matthew 28:18-20

We need to make a change , be a revolutionary for the Lord as Jesus and His disciples did. We have a responsibility towards the Lord. We can not just live for ourselves and for our own agenda. We need to obey Jesus so that all will have a  church and got a chance to hear the good news of salvation, Mathew 28:18-20. It must be our first priority to take the gospel to the end of the earth. Acts. 1:8.  Otherwise we are just dead people in the sight of God having no life. Rev 3: 1,2.  Jesus is speaking to the church. You have name that you are living but you are dead. Watchful, change, because I have not found your work acceptable   to God. "

. Please remember that Jesus is speaking to the church.and not to the gentiles., Grace is given that we will be able to be what God has called us to do, Grace will change us. empower us. Only through grace  (power of the Holy spirit}  we can what God wants us to be  not by works . Some people think that they can live in any way and still  can be saved, The  bible does not say that. If any one is in Christ Jesus , he is new creation.  Old things have passed away behold everything has become new. 2 cor 5:17. That is grace.   But we are given grace already (Power of the Holy Spirit) and if we are not  changed or empowered  we need to examine that if we are in Christ or not. Those who belong to Jesus has his mind. 1 cor 3:16.

We all have to stand before the judgement seat of Christ to give account for what we have done in the body weather good or bad. 2 Cor 5:10,11
Pleases convey my regards to all church members . Please remember the ministry here in your prayer. Thank you. You are in our prayer.

In His vineyard,


1 comment:

Ted Mallory said...

John sent an email to Pastor last month which was included in the bulletin and the website. They are well short of the $40,000 he is looking for. Pastor asked for ideas about if/how to assist this project. Pastor has been trying to help John make connections with Lutheran Churches in India, but that has been slow going. It was agreed that the Elders will set a date for to collect a free-will offering.

Here is an explanation about one of the major Lutheran church bodies in India. Thomas' ministry is not currently affiliated with a Lutheran church.

The Indian Evangelical Lutheran Church
The IELC, the third of the Tamil-speaking Lutheran churches, came into being in 1958. It owes its origin to the missionary endeavors of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. The Missouri Evangelical Lutheran India Mission (MELIM) was established in India because of the doctrinal controversy that arose in Leipzig Mission in 1876.12 Its early missionaries were Germans from the Leipzig Mission. It started in the far south around Nagercoil and gradually moved north toward Madras.13 The untiring efforts of Rev. Naether and Rev. Mohn from 1894 onwards resulted in the formation of the churches that spoke Tamil, Malayalam, and Kanada. The subsequent missionaries who came in due course started schools, orphanages, and hospitals. The efforts of Alice Brauer resulted in the establishment of three hospitals. They were slow to cooperate with fellow Lutherans and others in South India. The IELC today has a congregational strength of 80,000 spread over 400 parishes with its headquarters at Nagercoil. The Concordia Seminary, Nagercoil offers theological education to its ministers.In polity it combines congregational and synodical features and is the only Lutheran church in India not to have episcopacy. In 1970 it became a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the only LCMS-related church to do so. ~From