- Sorry, there's no real way to rename our YouTube channel to something easier to remember, we're stuck with "UCKnSxRLA32sh44z5nrLgilA," but- the good news is that the more often you visit, like, subscribe, or share, the easier it will get to find in google or other search engines.
- AND, don't forget, there's a link on our facebook page
- and one on the right-hand menu of THIS website too.
- Once you "favorite" or "bookmark" it in your browser or on your phone, that will make it easier to find too.
- If you subscribe to our youtube channel, it will become easier to find in the YouTube app too
- I've added "tags" to every video which should also improve our search engine optimization (SEO), in other words, make them easier to seach for.
Making videos Easier to View (& Hear)
- I've begun trimming videos from the full hour worship service to approx 30min of children's sermon & sermon. Eventually, I'll try to edit them and split them into short children's message videos and sermon videos.
- we know there's been a lot of trouble with poor audio- you may need to turn your computer or phone's volume way up. Well, Brad Bramley believes that he may have adjusted something in our master sound board in the balcony which will boost the sound quality both on our DVDs and YouTube videos.
Remeber- The more you visit, watch, comment, link, share, like and subscribe, the easier our videos will be to find for others. So PLEASE, spread the gospel by sharing sermons.
Thank you!
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