Sunday, February 24, 2019

This Week @ St,John


Famlly Movie Night Rescheduled for 6:00PM NEXT Sunday, March 3

YouTube SERMON 2019 FEB 24 | Loving, Judging, ForgivingLuke 6: 27-38 the Beatitudes & the Golden Rule from Jesus' Sermon on the Plane.

MON-SAT FEB 25-MAR 3, 6:25AM Pastor Merrill hosts 'Thy Strong Word' on KDSN 107.1FM/1530AM, FYI-We need funding to help pay KDSN for this program. If you would like to make a donation toward 'Thy Strong Word,' please let either the office or KDSN know. Thank You. Start your day off with this devotion on God's Word.

  • WED 2/27- 3:30PM Confirmation
  • THRS 2/28- 9:30AM Ricketts Community Bible Study
  • SAT 3/2- 6:00PM Worship at St. Paul, Hanover TWP
  • SUN 3/3- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class
    • 10:00AM Worship with Communion (LWML Mite Box Sunday)
    • 6:00PM (RESCHEDULED) Family Movie Night; 'I Can Only Imagine' c.2018, the true story of the band Mercy Me & it's lead singer/song writer Bart Millard. Free admission & free popcorn & pop provided by St. John's Board of Christian Education.
  • MIDWEEK LENTEN WORSHIP- Begins with Worship with Communion on
    Ash Wednseday
    March 6 at 6:00PM. The Sunday School will serve a supper at 5:30PM.

    MIDWEEK LENTEN WORSHIP Wednseday evenings at 7:00PM with refreshments following each sercice. Theme: 'Let My People Go' based on the book of Exodus.

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