Sunday, September 09, 2012

Rally Sunday 2012

To launch the new school year, five First graders received Bibles and four Fifth graders starting Confirmation were presented with Catechisms. Pictured here with Pastor Merrill in the back row are Fifth graders Tanner Hoffman, Ellen Mallory, MaKenzie Smith and Evelyn Henschen. In the front row are First graders Lily Schwarz, Kennedy Goslar, Garrett French, Marissa Galvin, and Caralyn Henschen.

Today new Sunday School and Confirmation teachers, helpers and memory-work listeners were officially installed during worship. Please remember to pray regularly for these volunteers and all of the children of our congregation, that God would nourish their faiths and that they might all grow in relationships with Him.

It has been discovered that a number of Confirmation students didn't receive Bibles as First graders since their families have transferred to St.John when they were older. We are looking through our records to find out who they are and will try to make sure that they also receive Bibles which they can use in Confirmation class, Sunday School, or for personal reading and devotions.

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