Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas at St.John

  • Mon-Sat. Dec.18-24- 6:25AM Pastor Merrill hosts 'Thy Strong Word' (for Triple Parish) on KDSN 107.1FM/1530AM
  • Wed. Dec.21- 3:30pm Confirmation
    • 6:45pm Carol singing
    • 7:00pm this year's final midweek Advent service, LYF refreshments after
    • 8:00pm Elder's meeting
  • Thurs. Dec.22- 6:00pm Cub Scouts
  • Sat. Dec.24- 6:30pm Christmas Eve worship
  • Sun. Dec.25- Christmas Day worship with communion
    (No Sunday School or Bible Study this week)
2012 OFFERING ENVELOPES are in the back of the church for you to pick up.

BUILDING PROJECT PLEDGED- when you write a check toward your building fund pledge donation, please mark your check so that Finance Secretaries Jane & Otto Kunze can deposit it in the right place. Thank You.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS CARDS- If you have received a change of address card for your children, please return them to Linda in the office. Thank you for your help.

THANK YOU to all who purchased a poinsettia to help beautify the Christmas services.

May God bless you and your family
this week as you celebrate 
the birth of His Son, our Savior!

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